Table of contents: 1. Brief glance at the Past 2. So, what's wrong with Traditional Interoperability Systems? 2.a Finality Risks 2.b The Faliure of UX 2.c The Curse of Liquidity Pools 2.d Excessive Trust Assumptions 3. Intent in 100 words 4. Solvers in 100
Chain abstraction is not what you think. It isn't your fault. It's easy to form wrong mental models in web3. Every new narrative brings along waves of new tweets, podcasts, articles, and typical CT debates that shape your understanding. The current hot narrative is Chain Abstraction.
OpenZeppelin recently announced changes in the upcoming version 5.1. Here are few imperative changes around Governance and ERC20. Governance Related Changes GovernorCountingSimple- The _countVotes function now returns uint256 . Previously the _countVotes function looked something like this: function _countVote( uint256 proposalId, address account, uint8 support, uint256 weight, bytes memory // params