Blockchain, Smart Contracts & Solidity Language EVM Part I: The ABCs of Ethereum Virtual MachineA beginner-friendly quick-start guide to the Ethereum Virtual Machine and its working mechanisms.Decipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserEVM Part II: The Journey of Smart Contracts from Solidity code to BytecodeAn extensive guide to understanding bytecode, ABI, opcodes in ethereum smart contracts, and their execution by the Ethereum virtual machine.Decipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserDeciphering Visibility Specifiers in Solidity: From Basics to Optimizations to SecurityTable of Contents The Fundamentals of Solidity visibility keywords Optimization Notes on Solidity Visibility Security Notes on Solidity Visibility Additional Notes One of the imperative parts while learning smart contract development with Solidity language is to get a good grasp on the visibili…Decipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserVisibility Specifiers in SolidityDeciphering the dilemma around Upgradeable Smart ContractsA quick article that will help you clear your dilemma about using upgradeable smart contracts and their useDecipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserUpgradeable Smart Contracts in SolidityDeciphering Solidity: Does adding a PAYABLE keyword actually save GAS?An interesting explanation behind the mysterious gas consumption in Payable & Non-Payable functions in SolidityDecipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserPayable keyword in SolidityWhat exactly are ERC721 Token Standard & Fungibility of assets?Simple and effective guide to understanding everything about ERC72, Funginbility and NFTsDecipher with ZaryabMd Zaryab AfserDeciphering the ABCs of BlockchainA simplified and extensive guide for beginners to understand the Blockchain technologyDecipher with ZaryabZartaj Afser